Is It Time For Professional Garage Door Repair? Look For These Three Problems

One part of your home that you do not want to ignore is the garage door. It may be doing its job of opening and closing, but it could still use some professional help to keep it in great shape. Here are some reasons to contact a professional for help with making repairs.


A garage door should never have resistance when closing or opening the door. When the door is detached from the lift motor, the door should easily move on the track without the feeling of the door getting caught on something or being tough to move at any point. If there are any points where the door is resisting movement, you should have a garage door repair service take a closer look at what is going on. Ignoring the problem will put more stress on the lift motor, which can cause it to become damaged prematurely.


Another problem that shouldn't be ignored is a rust formation on the door. Rust may start out small and seem like a non-issue, but it will eventually expand and become a problem. When rust spreads, it can cause a lot of damage within a small time span.

You can try treating rust on your own when it's confined to a small area, since your local home improvement store should have some solutions to help stop from spreading. However, large spots that are rusting may require special replacement parts that are difficult to track down and install on your own.

Swaying Rails

Those rails that have been suspended from the garage's ceiling should be sturdy. Be careful if you ever notice them swaying. There could be a problem with how the rails are supported, which could end up causing the door to fall on you or your vehicle.

Sensor Problems

Every modern garage door will have safety features that are designed to keep your family and vehicles safe. However, the parts can fail and require professional help to repair. Try testing the safety sensors from time to time to ensure that they are working. It's as simple as crossing the path of the door as its closing to trip the electric eye, and putting pressure under the door as it is closing. If the door is not reversing back into its open position, this means that there is a problem that should be repaired with the safety mechanism. A garage door repair service will be able to get to the bottom of the problem for you.

For more information, contact a company such as Automatic Door Company today.
