Signs Your Garage Door Springs Need To Be Replaced
A broken garage door spring can completely leave your door non-functioning -- meaning you won't be able to open it automatically or manually. Also, due the high-tension nature of the springs, it can be dangerous to try and find a work-around or a fix for the problem yourself. The following signs can help you recognize a spring problem so you can quickly call the professionals in for a prompt repair.
Speed and force issues upon closing or opening
If you have an automatic opener installed, springs play a major role in supporting some of the load for the opener's motor. If the load supporting springs, also called torsion springs, break, then the door will lift slowly or possible fail to lift completely. Another issue occurs when closing the door. Since the springs aren't supporting some of the door's weight properly, the opener may fail to provide the additional support. This results in the door closing more quickly than usual or even slamming down with force at the end of the closing cycle. Not only can this be dangerous, the excess weight load can damage the automatic opener.
Uneven opening
There are different types of springs on a garage door, and the ones that run to the sides of the door are there purposefully to help maintain tension so the door remains balanced as it opens and closes. If one spring breaks or becomes damaged, the tension will no longer be even on both sides of the door. This will result in the door opening at uneven rates, which will make it look crooked as it goes up or down. You can tell this apart from a door balance issue by first checking the springs to see if they are broken. Also, the raised door will often level out once it is fully open if it is a spring issue, where as it will stay crooked if it is a balance issue.
Loud, damaged springs
Creaking, popping, twanging -- these noises can all indicate a worn spring that is experiencing too much stress as the door opens and closes. If you've noticed noises, take a few minutes to determine where they are coming from on the door as you open it. If it sounds like the springs, give them a visual inspection (from a safe distance), to see if they are rusted or stretched out. If they are, then schedule a replacement before they have a chance to break.
For more help, contact a garage door springs service in your area.